About Me
As a seeker of truth, this path has led me to yoga. With more than 18 years of yoga experience, I have travelled extensively risking everything to expand, explore and experience life.
Born in Mexico to a religious, German Mennonite family, I moved to Canada settling in Leamington, Ontario. My father became the bishop of the church providing a good life for his sixteen children. My parents were strict and feared their children would get caught up in the material world, forget about God and lose their salvation.
As a child, I was taught to fear a vengeful God who would send me to hell for eternity if I wasn't obedient. As a result, I did what I was told, stayed quiet, and followed the teachings of the Mennonites.
After marriage and two children, the belief system that I was taught growing up, and the Mennonite religion, no longer resonated. I was ready for change and began searching outside the community for answers.
I found yoga at a fitness center and after months of attending regular classes, I became stronger, more flexible and began to feel a sense of calm.
The more I practiced, the more I knew there was something beyond just the physical workout that challenged and transformed my body.
In 2007 I experienced an awakening that changed the direction of her life. It was an inner transformation that shifted my mind, body, and soul.
This awakening began opening doors that I never knew existed! I became excited to learn more and became hungry for the truth. I searched by reading spiritual books, attending workshops and retreats, and eventually became a certified yoga and meditation teacher, and Ayurvedic Lifestyle consultant.
With the deep desire to follow my heart and continue to learn, I made the decision to leave my marriage, family, and community in the search of freedom and empowerment.
I was told the truth will set me free, and I wanted the truth.
I experienced much pain emotionally, communication was a challenge and it was hard for her to speak her truth.
I didn’t know the truth. I blamed others for my life not working. My addictions and attachments were keeping me in a state of suffering.
I was drawn to spiritual communities, learned from the scriptures, and spent some time living and immersing myself in a yoga lifestyle. The Yoga Masters she studied under, spoke of the teachings of Jesus realizing that the yoga message was similar to the message of Christianity.
“Seek and you shall find.”
“The kingdom of heaven is within.”
I absorbed the teachings of yoga like a sponge. My mind was expanding in new ways.
I learned that I was responsible for my life and with the help of yoga practices, I could shift and transform my mental and emotional mindset. I was taught to look within for the answers. Practicing yoga has helped me connect more deeply with my intuition, which is the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Obedience to my inner voice is what creates the transformation. I am not the one doing it. I am just the observer of it.
I have the desire to help people move through their struggles and suffering so that they can live a free and empowered life. I teach others to trust their Inner Being and return balance to their physical body with yoga, meditation, breathworks and Ayurvedic Natural Medicine.
Yoga With Me
I help people shift and transform their mental and emotional mindset through a yoga lifestyle, with yoga poses, breathworks, meditation, yoga Nidra and Ayurvedic natural medicine.
I teach them to connect deeply with their breath because their breath connects them to their higher power.
I empower them to trust their inner being and take full responsibility for their lives so they can return to a naturally balanced state of peace, harmony, and well-being.
When they learn to listen deeply to their inner voice, they will naturally be guided to their higher truth and power.
When they become aware of their weaknesses and struggles, only then will they be inspired and empowered to change.
Only then will they discover how capable they are of fulfilling their potential.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhi

My Book
Over the course of her life, Devanni has made many decisions that have lead her to where she is today and now she's documented her journey in a book. From Mennonite to Yogi is Devanni's personal memoir about how she learned to speak her heart's truth, live the life she's destined for and use yoga to guide her to happiness. She wanted to share with you the steps she took along the way that have helped her live the life of her dreams and find inner peace.